Captain Eden Nimri, an officer of the 'Sky Rider' unit, bravely fought to save lives on October 7th. When terrorists stormed the Nachal Oz outpost, she directed her female soldiers and observers to a secure location, positioned herself at the doorway, and waited for the terrorists.
As they arrived, she killed the first one and, under the cover of the gunfire exchange with numerous terrorists who kept arriving, many of her female soldiers managed to escape. Eden died in battle but saved many lives.
Hanukkah is also a celebration of women's heroism. During Hanukkah, it's customary to remember Judith, who, according to tradition, killed the general Holofernes besieging her city. With cunning and bravery, she killed the general, causing the enemies to flee and lifting the siege of the city.
There is a thread that stretches over millennia between Judith, the legendary heroine, and the late Eden, a heroine of our time, who is yet to become a legend, linking these heroic women.